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Latest News & Events
Wow what a day!!! Yesterday saw our KS4 and Post16 students competing at the Valley Leisure Centre in the IFA Schools National...
Yesterday, 9HK released their butterflies in Ormeau Park.
Yesterday saw the turn of our Key Stage 3 students to complete RSE workshops with Love4Life. The students played games, took part in...
Live Here Love Here
Today, some of the Post 16 students went around the grounds doing a tidy up using our new equipment given to us as part of the Live Here...
Cooking Skills
Today, our Post 16 Cooking Skills class made pizza from scratch. I hope they taste as great as they looked!
IFA Northern Ireland 7-aside Football competition
Today, our Junior football team competed in the IFA Northern Ireland 7-aside Football competition at the Valley Leisure Centre. The boys...
VR Training
This afternoon, the teaching staff have been training in the use of the new VR goggles we have bought for school. Everyone present is...
Prince's Trust
Today, our Post16 students had a visit by Alice from Prince's Trust. They learned how apps are created and the coding behind them. They...
Young Enterprise Awards Night
Following Spectrum's success at Castle Court in February, when they were awarded Best Team and Best Display Winners, it has just been...
Technology Club
Another exciting session unfolded at our after-school Technology club yesterday. Our focus this week was on manufacturing as we began...
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