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Health & Fitness

Park School recognises and values the role that sport and exercise play in students overall physical and mental wellbeing. The benefits of being healthy and physically active on a regular basis are wide ranging and have a massive impact on student learning and development as young people.

The three main aims of the Health and Fitness curriculum at Park School are to develop:


  • positive attitudes and enjoyment of physical activity;

  • an awareness of the impact of physical activity upon health and wellbeing;

  • positive relationships, sportsmanship, fair play and respect for differing capabilities

Key Stages 3-4

Each year group in Key Stages 3-4 has a theme which is delivered through 6 units of activity covering all required elements of the national curriculum for Physical Education.


*All students at Key Stage 3 participate in swimming lessons during the year at Fleming Fulton or the Grove Leisure Centre.

Post 16

In Key Stage 4 students can choose to study the PE - Life Skills Award (SLQ) to obtain a certificate recognising their achievements in Physical Education. These are awarded between level 1-4 depending on ability and achievements during the course. The course focuses on developing social, emotional, and cognitive skills alongside sporting ability and general health and fitness. Over the course duration students complete a logbook recording their progress and reflecting on their involvement in exercise and the benefits it provides.


At Post 16 students can opt to study Entry Level Physical Education (OCR). The course involves participating in a wide range of sports and activities, developing skills, tactical awareness, and understanding of the rules. Assessment is largely practical with the top 4 sports contributing 80% of the overall grade. The remaining 20% is through an analysis of performance task focused on improving your own or a partner’s performance through observation and feedback.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Students also have fully funded access to a range of other activities as part of the extended schools programme including Archery, Cycling, Tennis and Rock Climbing. These activities are provided offsite or through approved providers onsite.

The school participates and competes in a full range of fixtures and competitions in a broad range of sports to cater for all abilities and needs. These fixtures include events such as:


  • The Dodgeball Experience

  • Tag Rugby Festivals

  • Football competitions

  • Swimming Gala’s

  • Badminton Championships

  • New Age Kurling and Boccia Competitions.

  • Cross Country and Athletics events.


Health and Fitness Kit

Students are required to wear the official Park School PE kit for Health and Fitness lessons:

  • White Polo shirt

  • Navy PE shorts or Navy PE track bottoms

  • Park School PE Hoodie/Zoodie

  • Trainers and socks


*No jewellery*


Park School Uniforms and PE Kits are available from Signature Works shops located in Belfast and Bangor. Alternatively, it can be purchased on their website:

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