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Key Stage 3

In Drama at Park School, pupils have opportunities to develop their social and performance skills, and Whole Curriculum Skills and Capabilities. It allows pupils to explore, develop and express ideas and concepts, helping them to develop life skills and make sense of reality. 

Drama activities encourage pupils to engage with their emotions and intellect, expressing their thoughts and feelings through voice and movement in an imagined context. 

At Key Stage 3, pupils use tableau, freeze frame, hot seating, thought tracking and conscience alley as well as other strategies. These develop their creativity and extend their learning through a practical and active experience in the classroom.


Key Stage 4/5

When students reach Key Stage 4 at Park School they have the option of choosing Level 1 Performance Skills. There is no written external examination or test; the qualification is entirely evidence based. All units are internally assessed, and we carry out external moderation.

Learners produce a portfolio of work and give a performance. The final rehearsal and performance may be externally moderated as a live performance or pre-recorded using video or DVD.  Students have previously produced a wide range of performances including; Park School has Talent, Pantomimes and Musical concerts.

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